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This stunning illustration is drawn by Sarah Callerström. Check out her Instagram for more illustrations. 

About me & this blog

Maja Emila Andersson

Cultural administrator and blogger

I have always felt very passionate about storytelling.
That's why I like taking photographs and why I want to share them - it's a way of trying to capture something and hopefully making others feel inspired to experience something themselves. I absolutely love being completely consumed by a place - It's amazing how some places truly moves you. 


As a new Londoner, I will try to explore as much as I possibly can of this city and of the UK. London is an amazing city because it's just so darn aesthetically pleasing. I can't explain how excited I get to find out what waits around the corner on my long walks around the city.
You can never get bored -it's just impossible. 

Around we go!

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