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A different approach to a city

Walking around London these days I often feel very enriched when coming home. I guess I am one of those people who always are on the lookout for something interesting, something with a history or something beautiful. I get the exact same feeling as tough I have spent the whole day at a museum. Any city or town can be regarded as a museum. It has a collection of its own that consists of people, houses, streets, trees, plants, benches – whatever you can find really.

In a big city like London, it is easy to find interesting and historical places. A good and easy way to find some of these places is to look for the over 900 Blue Plaques around the city. The blue plaques tell you who (often quite famous in some way) has lived in a certain house in the past. There’s even have an app if you want help guiding you to a walk through different parts of London spotting houses with blue plaques. In a video celebrating the 150-year anniversary of the plaques, someone refers to it as a form of a treasure hunt.

The term museum doesn’t have to lead to thoughts of a museum filled with art or dinosaurs, it can be something much bigger without limits. So, start looking at your city, town or village (even the countryside) as a museum since it is a collection of different kinds of culture which are worth to be seen and treasured.

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