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Off to the east

A week ago, when the sun was still shining (London seems to have many rainy days ahead now), me and a friend went for a long walk from Tower Bridge to Shoreditch via Whitechapel, Stepney, Regent's Canal, Victoria Park and Bethnal Green. As mentioned in a previous blog post I've had this mission lately to see more of the eastern parts of the city. Needless to say but this city is so big and for every walk I go on it just keeps getting bigger. I am so impressed! There seems to be something worth seeing around every corner, well maybe not all them, but you know what I mean. When I moved to London, I had this vision of me having explored all the areas of London by Christmas last year. Boy, was I wrong! The list of things I want to do and see keeps getting longer and longer. Just need to keep on ticking things off by getting out there and explore stuff every singe week. My hope is to be able to see a bit more of the rest of the UK, which I will in time, but I keep feeling myself drawn to new parts of London instead.

Exploring the East End of is a bit different than exploring the western parts of the city. You have to look more careful for things worth taking pictures of. The kind of buildings and houses you see everywhere in villages like Kensington, Chelsea or Notting Hill barely exists in these parts of the city which makes you appreciate them even more when you do find them. But, as I've said recently in a blog post, I need to open up more and try to see beauty in other things than just the very obvious aesthetically pleasing. Even tower blocks, dirty streets and a greasy spoon café can have it's charm (I keep telling myself). It's just so difficult breaking out from that norm of what is pretty.

Even though it was more of a challenge, I did manage to get some stunning pictures from this day. I'm so grateful for finding Wilton's Music Hall, Victoria Park (and the delicious cardamom bun we ate there) and the shops around Arnold Circus, they are all just beautiful. Thank you to Julia and her pink hat who frequently appears in these pictures, they were both awesome.

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