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Queen's House

When Winter still was present in London I took my family to Greenwich. I wanted to go back specifically to see Queen's House and to walk around the buildings of The Old Royal Navy College. They are grand, the definition of grand I would say. You feel pretty small but also weirdly empowered when walking around there. It's so strange how much I can be affected by my surroundings - buildings, people, nature - anything really. It can change my mood completely. Maybe I should add that I am one of those people who are super aware of their feelings all the time, almost in a annoying way. I hadn't done my research before I entered Queen's House, I thought that it would be a museum that would inform you about how the house had been used, but no -it was an art gallery. I do appreciate being told a story more han looking at art. Well, they're good in different ways. Stories are more interesting and art is more aesthetically pleasing - even though both can be both. Does that make sense? Anyhow, Queen's House was beautiful and the surroundings with Greenwich Park is just stunning. Unfortunately the very instagrammed Tulip stairs in Queen's House were closed for a special event. The art was nice enough to make up for that. I especially appreciated the weird naked mermaids. The end.

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