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A Conservatory

I've heard loads about Barbican and its conservatory so I decided to pay a visit. Brutalist architecture haven't really been my thing but since moving to London I have starting to think it's more and more interesting. It's ugly, like ugly ugly which kind of makes it beautiful in a weird way. Barbican actually blew my mind. It's just so big and and the buildings are so tall, you feel quite small and insignificant in its presence. A huge plus was the balconies which are covered in green plants - just amazing. On Sundays the Barbican Conservatory is open. It's basically a huge greenhouse filled with plants - mostly green ones, succulents and cuctuses. I do like my plants (even though referring to some of them as 'green ones' indicates that I'm not that an expert). The one thing I appreciated the most with the conservatory is the contrast between the grey/beige concrete, which in some ways feels like death itself, and all the green plants which in all possible ways symbolises life. Turns out- grey and green look great together. I kind of knew that already but Barbican confirmed that.

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