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York part two

York was wonderful. In the afternoon of our day in York we walked around all the streets around The Shambles, High Petergate and Stonegate. We stopped for some lunch and then peeked in to The Golden Fleece Inn which is supposed to be haunted and yada yada. I'm not very interested in those kind of things but if something is said to be haunted it normally is a very old place - and I like old places. Next to it we found Lady Pecketts Yard, basically an alley with a very old feel. Along Fossgate you'll find the cute food shop The Hairy Fig and an antique book shop. Clifford's Tower is pretty cool. Not a must-see in my book but you can walk to the top and get a nice view ofthe city. In my opinion though you might as well get that from the old city walls that surrounds the city. One thing I had heard loads about before our visit was Betty's Tea Rooms, so of course we decided to have some scones and a cuppa here. It was delicious but the atmosphere was probably the best thing.

At the end of the day it actually felt like we've walked all of the most central street at least twice. York is one of those cities where I could see myself move to. Pretty, lots of history and perfect in size. Next time I head north I would love to see more of the surrounding and the Yorkshire dales.

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