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Kew Gardens

Kew Gardens - I could go on about this place forever. I promise I won't though. I'm so happy I was able to visit on one of those awesome spring days when everything was in bloom. It as almost too perfect. Royal Botanical Gardens Kew is a huge green area in West London with lots of plants, trees and other botanical things (I'm obviously not a botanist). It's quite pricey to get in but you get access to so many things within the area. It's worth to spend a whole day in Kew Gardens - if you have nice weather that is. Within the gardens you can also find Kew Palace which is nice but not the best palace of all the palaces I have visited out there (they are many).

I have a weakness for palm houses. It's been going on since the early 2000s when I discovered the palm house in the Botanical Garden in Copenhagen. Spoiler alert - Kew Gardens has a palm house and it's probably one of the best ones out there. All of those green plants and palm leaves against the glass and white elegant architectural details. I already kind of miss it now writing about it. One thing I don't miss is the humid heat - sweating is not my fave.

I love walking around the gardens pretending it's my own, not that that would be realistic in any way, also there's people everywhere, but one can dream right? Wouldn't be very practical though, having a garden that big. I'm such a dreamer yet a realist - don't know how I manage in life.

Enjoy some pictures of green plants and me and my friend posing with trees in bloom.

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