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Walking in Buckinghamshire

I decided I needed to do some more country walking. Who knew you could go to a completely different county with the tube? I sure didn't. I took the tube to somewhere called Chorleywood and then walked to a little village called Chenies. Unfortunately Chenies Manor, which is a Tudor grade I listed building (whatever that really means), was closed but was still visible from the outside. I had this map of a walk recommended by a friend and I tried to follow this and the instructions the best I could. The walk started with huge green fields and small hidden patches of bluebells. It then continued up on a hill which offered some stunning views. On the top of this hill was the village Sarrat with a little country church, a cemetery and a pub. I then walked down again and continued along River Chess back to Chenies.

In my solitude I honestly felt like one with nature, sounds so ridiculous but it's true. I even started to sing songs from Sound of Music. Good thing nobody heard me. I then realised that this is England and not Austria and stopped. It's such a cliché to even say this but when you live in a big city like London it's so nice to be somewhere with no people around you. I haven't had that feeling for a while and I I almost felt i bit scared - even though I just be much more scared in London surrounded by lots of weirdos. Being alone was scary in some ways but glorious in others. Everything on the walk was so pretty and typically English - just what a girl (or old lady) dream about doing and seeing on a Sunday.

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