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I imagined fields of Strawberries

There are a few more London houses and mansions left on my list to visit. A few weeks back I made it to Strawberry Hill House in Twickenham. Horace Walpole is the man who had this house built in a Gothic style in the middle of the 18th century.

For once a didn't feel a need to really read up on the history behind the house or its owner. I just really wanted to go to see something new and enjoy aesthetically pleasing environments - like I always want to do really. Some parts of the house were breathtaking, for real. I could go on about the library for hours, books just does something to me. A very kind lady told us about the history of one of the rooms and who everybody was in the portraits hanging on the walls. I didn't understand most of it, she kind of just assumed that we knew who everybody was but at the same time telling us about it. I left there feeling more confused than enlightened actually.

I wonder about the name of the house and the area around it though. I wanted there to be endless fields of strawberries, that would have been the best. The garden that belongs to the house was lovely as well as Twickenham which we explored after. Always a good idea to take a walk along the river I say.

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