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Back to my roots - a rant

Visiting home is a always a bit bittersweet isn't it? I'm from a medium sized town in the south of Sweden and coming back is nice for the obvious reasons - seeing friends and family. The negative side of things is that you are reliving so many old memories and mostly the bad ones for some strange reason. I used to be a person who always looked back to better times never thinking that things could actually get any better. Always thinking that I should settle in some ways, not that I was ever unhappy but just thinking that I was fine. I had everything I needed. Turns out I'm happier now, like truly happy - just because of a a change of scenery and feeling that I've actually accomplished something. It's weird how I've somehow have let go of my past and now only look forward. London did me good.

When I was back in Sweden for a few weeks over the summer me and my family hopped on a boat that took us to an island just outside of the coast called Ven. My grandma grew up on this tiny island, and thinking about how some people live here only surrounded by only fields and an ocean it makes me feel very claustrophobic. Some people might say it would make them feel free - I would feel trapped. It's weird being back in a place where your roots are and not feeling any connection. Maybe in a past life I've been a Brit. Honestly though, I feel more at home here than I have ever felt anywhere. I used to be very tied down to my hometown but always searching for something. Now I've found it (I think). Even though I find it hard feeling connected to the place where I'm from it sure is beautiful. Being away from a place for a bit makes you look at it differently. The houses and surroundings are so quaint and pretty. We wandered around the island, looking at the farm where my grandma grew up ad seeing all the sights. We bought some nice cinnamon bun (gotta have one whilst in Sweden) and drank some Prosecco since being day drunk is the best. It was nice being back but also nice knowing that London (or England) is the place for me. Sometimes you need some perspective to realise things, Sorry for the rant.

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